Friday, July 22, 2011

Whole Wheat Waffles with Mango Butter

Mango Butter

½ cup mango, peeled, pitted and diced

½ lb butter, softened

¼ cup brown sugar

Pinch of salt (about 1/8 tsp)

Using a blender or a food processor, beat the butter, sugar and salt until light, about 1 min. Add mango and beat until combined, Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Will keep for about a week. Freeze for up to 2 months.

Whole Wheat Waffles

1 ½ cups whole wheat flour

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

2 tlbs brown sugar

1 lg egg

1 ½ cups of milk

1/3 cup vegetable/ canola oil

Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt and brown sugar. Add milk and oil and combine. Add egg and mix well.

Cook the waffles as directed in the instructions that came with your waffle iron.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Baking and Such

This past weekend I bottled two batches of beer (roughly 4 cases), made two batches of pesto pizza dough, some cherry chewy oatmeal mess, a cinnamon twist and random breakfastes.

Some things I have learned.

When bottling beer make sure that you move all small open containers of beer out of your way. Beer will end up all over the kitchen. I messed up this task twice in one batch of beer. Plus side I had not cleaned the kitchen yet. Minus, dog now likes beer.

When making pesto pizza dough make a double batch. No since in having to go through all that mixing and waiting twice.

When making a Cardamon Cinnamon Twist if you don't have Cardamon (and who does) it's ok, just add some All Spice to the dough. It will taste just fine. And also if you do not have a pan big enough to support this long dough tube you have to roll up, just curve it. It will still taste just fine.

When making a cookie recipe for the first time and trying to expirement on the make up make sure to take into account the amount of moisture you add when adding fresh fruit. If you do not it will turn your Oatmeal Crisps into Oatmeal Mushies. This is not a bad thing, still tastes good, but looks like a pile of crap.

Lots of Love,
Your ever so entertaining Bor3d Baker