Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Croissants and Such

Over the holidays I was blessed with a raspberry ice pink Kitchen-aid mixer that I have named Molly. Molly and I became fast friends. Previously I had reached lull in baking. I had become quite busy with work, school and guitar classes that I didn't really have time for cooking and lets face it, I probably didn't need the calories. Yet I digress.

Winter has this funny way of trapping you inside for many months at a time and while I was on winter break I felt a loss when I was no longer studying for classes. I have since picked up baking again and I have created some glorious items. I am a perfectionist when it comes to baking, but I also like a good challenge.

Recently I have decided my challenge is croissants. I made a batch two weekends in a row and the first were good the second was worse. It's a delicate dough, and in the end we will be friends.

This weekend's adventures will include a 3 tier giraffe cake for my niece's 13th safari birthday. I am absolutely positive it will be spectacular.

Happy Baking,